Spiral Consort is an ensemble that makes use of an unusual instrument to create an unusual music. This instrument is the original trumpet- the conch shell. Used since at least 10,000 B.C. as signal instruments and instruments of various rituals in various cultures around the world, it’s integration into modern music is relatively seldom. We are exploring tone of the instruments individually and the textures of them being played together. The acoustic, harmonic nature of this tone is rich and complex and the textures of them played together are powerful vibrations that move and change and effect.
We have been listening on a micro-tonal level to the sounds of the shells and the way the pure tones physically interact with each other. This has led us to a deconstructed approach making music. It is open and simple. From the open, simple, and fundamental arises more organisation, composition, and song.
Spiral Consort is a physical experience. The acoustic sounds produced are special, and an important part of what we want to do is present these sounds in special places and see how these places react with the sounds. Cosmic Sequence was recorded at such a place- the Sint-Dominikuskerk in the Provinciestraat in Antwerp, Belgium. It is our favorite place to play. This church was desanctified, abandoned, and then squatted, but has been lovingly protected and nurtured since. We recorded in the chapel two days with one stereo microphone and a few close mics, the idea being to record the church as well as to record the shells. Codes was recorded in the most reverberant basement of a former bank building.
Current projects include the collaboration with theater maker Natalie Teirlinck and avant pop singer Liesa Van der Aa in a multi media music theater piece called Shellter.